Game Mode

Howling Abyss


The only single-lane battlefield available in League of Legends, the Howling Abyss features two bases arranged at either end of a bridge. This bridge is defended by two turrets and an inhibitor, while the nexus is protected by a pair of turrets. With no neutral territory to distract from the task at hand, the Howling Abyss features some of the most frequent and intense team fights of any map.

What started as a community movement has quickly developed into one of the most popular game modes in League of Legends today. The Howling Abyss (or Murder Bridge as it’s been lovingly dubbed) features two teams of five champions battling along a single lane with no neutral territory. Champions begin play at level 3 with substantial starting gold, launching the action immediately into a pitched battle of large, drawn out team fights, instant kills and narrow escapes.


The Howling Abyss bridge is located in the Freljord and serves as a gateway to the Frostguard profileicon Frostguard citadel. It replaced the Proving Grounds during the Freljord event and later became the first map for the official ARAM game mode.

Historically, the forest where the Rift resides was the site of several battles between two summoner factions symbolized with the Stag and Owl crests, they sought out to use the natural magical energy of the area for their personal use.

The large amount of concentrated magic has mutated the local wildlife. From giant frogs, Crimson giant birds to Greater Murk two headed wolves it has also attracted the attention of a powerful Dragon who currently resides in one of the battle torn ruins. Blue Sentinels, Red Bramblebacks and Ancient Krugs are creatures made from local flora and earth infused to construct a magical being. The Rifts unstable magic has inadvertently cause the reemergence of Baron Nashor, a large Serpent/Worm largely believed to be dead for centuries. It has his corruption affecting the land around him.

Game Play

Here's how it works. As you play matchmade games on Howling Abyss, win or lose, you'll earn points you can save up to purchase a reroll in champion select. You'll earn a base number of points every match, along with some bonus points based on the number of champions you own. While there is a cap on the number of points you can store up, you'll be able to reroll multiple times in a single champion select if you've got the points.

And don't worry about wasting your hard-earned points on queue dodgers. If someone leaves your match at champion select, everyone in the game gets a refund except the player who dodged.


Gregor and Lyte enforce 'limited' shopping, preventing champions from purchasing items after they have left the fountain and only until after they have been slain in combat (the shop becoming inaccessible is indicated by Gregor fading back into his frozen corpse and Lyte waving goodbye before retiring to his tent)

A Single Inhibitor

With only one lane to conquer, your team’s sole inhibitor can make or break your success in a game. Once it goes down, the attacking team will immediately start spawning two super minions per wave. Defend your inhibitor at all costs.

Health Relics

In the absence of a healing platform, you’ll find health relics spread across the bridge at even intervals. Once consumed these relics cause your champion to rapidly regenerate health and mana for a short period of time.

No Healing or Shopping

The summoner platform on the Howling Abyss provides no healing, and purchasing is strictly limited. Champions can only purchase items following in the wake of a death on the battlefield. The Recall spell is also disabled in this game mode.